Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wishing for a vacation

I'm beginning to sink back into the mode where I really don't want to work.  All of this is really to help for Patrick's sabbatical, and they big trip to California we have planned. I am grateful to have a job, and grateful that for the most part I really enjoy the school where I work.  I just counted up the number of days I have to work until summer vacation  just 80 days more........   I CAN do this, right??

 Patrick started back to school this week.  He is taking calculus 3 at UNM  so we will not see each other hardly at all for the next four months.  Next year maybe I should get back to school too. 

It's going to be a busy, stressful four months.  The kids and I will be done will school/work on May 22nd and we are leaving out of town May 23rd early.

Let's hope it flies by................................................

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tucson day #4 and back Home

On Monday we just relaxed while the kids played.  We decided to do a late breakfast/early lunch.  There is a huge truck stop near my sister's house that has a restaurant called The Triple T restaurant.  She took us there for the very first time, which is surprising since it's so close to their house. 

The food was seriously good!  I think my favorite of the whole trip.

After that, we were on the road!  The drive home went smooth & easy.  As soon as we got home Savannah got her new doll, and her things set up in her room.  Savannah's cousin Shelby had an American Girl Doll named Julie that she got a few years back.  Apparently she thought it was creepy, so she never played with it.  Savannah loves her American girl doll, and is always asking for another one.  It was super nice of Shelby to give Savannah her doll.  
We had a great trip!  It was so nice to get away.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tucson Day #3

Sunday Griffin had one final game early in the morning. Patrick & I took him while everyone else slept.  They lost this game, which meant they would not be going to the playoffs. 

After we got back, everyone was up. Savannah was with her cousin Shelby &  Uncle Mike selling Girl Scout cookies.  She really enjoyed it!   She quickly found her favorite cookie.

After they were back we decided to head to the old mission here in Tucson.  It's called San Xavier mission.  It is a beautiful white mission right in the middle of open dessert. It was built in the 1700's

The first thing we did was get some fresh made Indian fry bread (the mission was located on a reservation).  The fry bread did not disappoint.  So delicious.

After we were done eating, we hiked up a small hill where there is a shrine.
 People leave all sort of different things at the site.

After that, it was time to tour the actual mission.  It was so beautiful.  Hard to believe it is so old, and so well preserved.


I'm so glad they took us here.  We really enjoyed the history, and the beauty.
After we were done looking around we parted ways. My sister, her husband, and my nephew Cooper went back to their house to relax.  The rest of us went to check out Saguaro National park.  The kids and I had gone to another part of the park years ago, but I really wanted Patrick to see.  This time we went to the West side.
I love nature.  I love that you can find beauty everywhere in nature.  It doesn't  matter where you are really.  Mountains, ocean, or the dessert.   The cactus were really beautiful. I took a lot of pictures of them too.  I need to fix some of them so they are not sideways.  They say that often people think these Saguaro's look like people.  I agree with that.  We kept saying is looks like that guy is.....

Again, so much fun, and so much beauty.  We all met up again for dinner.  This might have been Patrick's favorite restaurant.

It was a chicken and waffle place.  And Patrick was in heaven.  It may have been the bacon they cooked into his waffles for him.
 After dinner we went to another BOOKMANS per the boys request.  They really did love that store.  After that we headed to old town Tucson for some ice cream.  I have never been to such a fancy ice cream place before.  It was dimly lit, candles on the tables, fancy décor, and fancy ice cream.  Some of the flavors were. brown butter pecan, lemon basil, honey ginger.  It was delish, but I felt a little out of place.

After our ice cream, we checked out the old Hotel Congress, then called it a night.
What a busy day it was, but it was really fun!