Monday, January 20, 2014

Tucson day #4 and back Home

On Monday we just relaxed while the kids played.  We decided to do a late breakfast/early lunch.  There is a huge truck stop near my sister's house that has a restaurant called The Triple T restaurant.  She took us there for the very first time, which is surprising since it's so close to their house. 

The food was seriously good!  I think my favorite of the whole trip.

After that, we were on the road!  The drive home went smooth & easy.  As soon as we got home Savannah got her new doll, and her things set up in her room.  Savannah's cousin Shelby had an American Girl Doll named Julie that she got a few years back.  Apparently she thought it was creepy, so she never played with it.  Savannah loves her American girl doll, and is always asking for another one.  It was super nice of Shelby to give Savannah her doll.  
We had a great trip!  It was so nice to get away.