Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Christmas tree 2014

I've been wanting to go cut down our own tree for awhile.  It sounded like fun to me. I decided this would be the year to finally go on our grand adventure.  We drove up to Jemez Mountains, and bought our permit for 10 bucks.  We drove through some beautiful areas that we've never been before.  Pretty crazy since we've lived here for so long.

It took us awhile, and lots of hiking to find a tree we all liked. As we wandered around in the woods we couldn't help but sing the song from the new Mokingjay movie "The Hanging Tree." 
 Not a festive holiday song, but we couldn't help ourselves.
When we finally found our tree, the boys cut it down for us.

After we got it all set up Savannah said she hated it.  It wasn't big and fluffy like she was used to. 
 It is very different than trees sold at tree lots.  It just took her a little time, she has now changed her mind, and spends lots of time reading next to the tree.

I love it so much!  I think it's super cute.  I think it looks rustic and simple.  I'd love if we made this a yearly tradition!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Early Thanksgiving

Since Patrick had to work on Thanksgiving, we decided to do it early (on Tuesday). 

I took the day off of work.  Savannah's Drama club did their play Abraham Lincoln, so first thing in the morning Pat & I went over to the school to watch the show.  She did a great job with her lines!

After the play, Patrick & I went out to lunch, then it was time to prep for our dinner.

The night before Griffin helped me make a few desserts. Love that he enjoys baking so much!
 Savannah worked on a cute poster to decorate for Thanksgiving.

In what has become tradition, we went super simple.
We bought pre-made appetizers.
As soon as the kids got home from school we started snacking on those.

While dinner was cooking, we all played a game of Monopoly.

After dinner we decided to watch the movie Dan in Real Life. Love this movie, I think the kids enjoyed it too.
Shortly after it started, we all got our desserts.

It was a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. I do wish that we lived closer to family.  Maybe someday...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Too cold for Christmas lights

We decided to go to the early show of the new Mockingjay  movie.  It was really good.  We all loved it.  When the movie was over, we were surprised by how windy & cold it was.  We had planned on putting up our Christmas lights, so when we got home, we decided to go ahead and try it anyways.

Dang it was freezing, and the wind was horrible!!  After awhile we decided to take a break and warm up with hot cocoa.
We gave it another try, but didn't last long.  The winds were over 35 miles an hour, and the temps were only in the low 30's.
We just left our lights dangling on the roof.  Maybe next week we'll finish them up. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Love story- final installment

After graduation, Patrick moved to Orlando, Florida for schooling for his job in the Navy.  He was still kept on a busy schedule, but it a more relaxed setting.  He was now a full time student. 

We kept in touch with letter writing, and phone calls.  I had my own phone line at the house where I was a Nanny, so he could call whenever he had a chance, and we could talk. 

The money we spent on phone calls is astounding!  I actually didn't get a final paycheck when  I left.  Instead, I paid them.  Many phone bills were more than 700.00 
Yikes!!  Where was unlimited long distance when we needed it?
Patrick was constantly buying phone cards to call me.  I would say in the end the money was worth it.  We really got to know each other well with all those phone conversations.

After our October visit, the next time we saw each other was in California.  We were both going to be home for Christmas.  I got there a day or two before Patrick.  The night he flew into LAX I picked him up at the airport. What an amazing feeling it was to be with him again!  I drove him back to my Mom's, where he stayed the night on the couch.  In the morning, after breakfast we walked around the neighborhood.  He looked so handsome wearing his awesome Navy uniform.  We walked hand in hand, it was nice to be together again. After our walk, I drove him over to some friends.  It was a few days before I would see him again.

Somehow we were able to meet up on Christmas morning.  We exchanged gifts.  I blogged about the story HERE 

Later that night we were together again.  Just the two of us at one of his Dad's vacant rental houses.  It was completely empty there was no furniture.  Patrick started a nice cozy fire for us to enjoy.

 He asked me to join him, so I walked over and sat down by the fire.

 Just minutes after I joined him by the fire, Patrick got on one knee, and asked me to marry him!

I was shocked!
I didn't answer him.

I feel bad about that now.  I was just so surprised. I had a feeling it was heading that direction, I even thought he might propose to me sometime soon, but I still didn't see it coming.
I was absolutely in love with him, I just couldn't believe how fast our relationship had gone.

After a minute of two the poor guy finally said "Well..."
I knew without a doubt I wanted to spent my life with him.
I finally said "Yes!"

It was thrilling.

He slipped the engagement ring on my finger.  Seriously the best Christmas present ever!

We kissed, and hugged, and kissed, and hugged!

Patrick did say right away he wanted a year long engagement.  I agreed.

He was now my fiancée just five months after we met.

The next year was spent doing our best at keeping a long distance relationship going, seeing each other when we could. Besides our outrageous phone bills, plane tickets were another huge expense.

He flew back to New York with me after Christmas for New Years Eve.
I flew out to Florida in February and April both for long weekends.
In June, Patrick came to visit me in New York for a whole week.
In August, I spent a whole week in Florida with him.

Although the time apart was difficult at times, I really think it helped us become a really strong couple.

Finally December came again. I had recently moved back to CA, and was prepping for our wedding.

On January 2, 1999 Patrick and I were married.  It was just over 17 months after we met.

I'm will be forever grateful for Patrick coming into my life.  I know without a doubt we are suppose to walking thru this life together.

I laugh now when I think about our oldest Trevor only five years away from the age Patrick was when we met, and got engaged.  No way he'll be doing that!  Seems way too young.  But honestly, I think things happen when they need to, and for us it was at a very young age.  Who knows when our kids will meet their soul mate. I only hope it's as magical and sweet as when I met the love of my life.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A gift of comfort

Memories are a funny thing.  I was talking to my Mom about memories of my childhood recently.  The funny thing is, there are some things that I remember so vividly, and others that I don't remember at all.  I remember Halloween costumes that my Mom made for me.  I can almost remember the exact days when I wore them, and all the little details down to the shoes I had on, but I don't remember ever carving pumpkins with my family growing up.  I know we did that, but can't remember.  I remember several specific Christmas decorations we had, but I don't remember any of the foods we ate at Christmas time.

Recently I have been thinking about one Christmas when I got a vey special gift.

It's been 30 years ago next month.  My Grandma Pearl would often crochet gifts for everyone.  One year I remember it was hats and scarves. Christmas 1984 she gave all the grandkids a blanket that she had crocheted. I was only 8 years old when I received the blanket. I don't remember opening this gift on Christmas, but I do know that that blanket has been with me ever since.
Me Christmas 1984 with my Grandma Pearl, brother Brad, sister Kim, Grandpa Ed & brother Chris

I have always kept it on my bed.  I'd either fold it up in the morning, and put it at the end of my bed, or drape it over the end of my bed.

As I've grown, moved, married, and had kids my blanket has always been right near my bed. If you come to my house, that's where you'll always find it.  Often when I am feeling sad or tired, I ball it up near my face and just lay with it.

It has always given me a feeling of comfort. 

It's getting old now, and starting to fall apart a little. A little like my Grandma she's getting up there in age, and has lots of health problems. I'm glad now more than ever for the gift she gave me for Christmas so many years ago.

Even after she's gone, I know I'll have a special memory of her, and I'll be able to pass down this story to my own children.

A few years ago, when she still crocheted, she made a bunch of hot pads.  My step-mom, sister and I all got some from her.  They are the best!  Every time I use them, I think of her.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Throwback dinner

When we first got married I didn't really cook.   I made lots of very simple meals.

It's funny now to think about it.  I made meals like canned chili, and served it with saltine crackers, and canned apricots.  

Tonight, for dinner, Patrick made another meal I made often in the early years.  Chicken patties on buns, with French fries, and canned pears.  

It was fun.  We told the kids about the easy stuff I'd always make. 

So glad that I did eventually learn how to cook, and bake!  I was fun to have a throwback meal, and reminisce.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day

Spent Veterans Day with my very favorite veteran. The kids were in school. We decided to go on a hike at Tent Rocks.  It was a free day at National parks/monuments. It was a beautiful, cool fall day. We had lots of fun playing/hiking & joking around with each other.  The scenery was spectacular as well.

After the hike we went to lunch at Range Café.  It was super tasty, as always.
It was nice to spend the day together sans kids!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Trevor made Honor Roll, as usual.

                               Griffin made principle's list.  So far middle school is going great!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

History Club


Savannah is in a History Club at school.  She loves it.  On her own she decided to memorize the preamble and the Gettysburg address.  She's still working on the Gettysburg address. I think it's cool that she wants to learn these!  They are also working on a play about the Civil War.  She's decided to be one of the narrators.   History is my favorite too. It's fun that she's really interested in learning about history. I hope her interest continues.

* I recorded these on Halloween night, that's why there's all that candy on the table.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Love story- part 5

Part 1, 2, 3, 4

After Patrick left I realized I needed a shake up.  I was tired of working so much.  I found a new photography job, but before I even started I decided to do something completely different.

I had once looked into being a Nanny of the East Coast, so I decided to look into it again.
In no time at all I had found a company to work with, and finished all my paperwork.  I started doing phone interviews with different families. 

I was offered a job with a family that lived just outside of NYC.  They had two kids Matt & Allie.

Just over a month after Patrick left for Boot Camp, I got on a plane to start my new job in New York.

When I took the job I let them know I needed to take one Friday off in late October, so I would be able to fly out for Patrick's graduation from Boot Camp.

Now, we were in touch during this time, but not much.  I think we talked a total of four times.  I got just a handful of letters.  Although I had fallen head over heals in love with this guy, I still wasn't quite sure if he really felt the same way.  I wanted to be there for him at his graduation because I was proud of him, and because I thought he was a pretty big deal.

Finally  late October rolled around.  I was so excited to finally see him again. I arrived in Chicago  the night before his graduation.  The next morning, I took a cab to the Navy Base.  I found a seat, and watched the ceremony.  I couldn't see Patrick at all!  It wasn't until the ceremony finished, and all of th loved ones started reuniting that I finally saw him.  I was so excited!  I ran up to him, and without thinking gave him a big kiss!  He quickly pulled away and told me that was against the rules, he pulled me in for a long hug instead.

His Dad was there as well, and Patrick introduced us.

It was so good to see him again.

The three of us spent his liberty weekend together.  His Dad was great, he gave us plenty of space as well.  We did a bunch of different things in freezing Chicago together. It was a wonderful weekend.

Patrick later told me that me flying in for his graduation was the turning point in our relationship.  He knew then that we both felt the same way about each other.  We were in love, and it was serious!

To be continued....

                                   This is pretty much the only picture I took that weekend in Chicago.  I can't believe how young Patrick looks.  Wish I had a picture of the two of us together that weekend.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

We had another fun Halloween this year.

Love the way the kids costumes turned out!

                                                                      My little Gypsy

                                                                      A Wind blown guy

                                                                       Sigmund Freud

                                                                   Love them all!