Friday, November 21, 2014

Love story- final installment

After graduation, Patrick moved to Orlando, Florida for schooling for his job in the Navy.  He was still kept on a busy schedule, but it a more relaxed setting.  He was now a full time student. 

We kept in touch with letter writing, and phone calls.  I had my own phone line at the house where I was a Nanny, so he could call whenever he had a chance, and we could talk. 

The money we spent on phone calls is astounding!  I actually didn't get a final paycheck when  I left.  Instead, I paid them.  Many phone bills were more than 700.00 
Yikes!!  Where was unlimited long distance when we needed it?
Patrick was constantly buying phone cards to call me.  I would say in the end the money was worth it.  We really got to know each other well with all those phone conversations.

After our October visit, the next time we saw each other was in California.  We were both going to be home for Christmas.  I got there a day or two before Patrick.  The night he flew into LAX I picked him up at the airport. What an amazing feeling it was to be with him again!  I drove him back to my Mom's, where he stayed the night on the couch.  In the morning, after breakfast we walked around the neighborhood.  He looked so handsome wearing his awesome Navy uniform.  We walked hand in hand, it was nice to be together again. After our walk, I drove him over to some friends.  It was a few days before I would see him again.

Somehow we were able to meet up on Christmas morning.  We exchanged gifts.  I blogged about the story HERE 

Later that night we were together again.  Just the two of us at one of his Dad's vacant rental houses.  It was completely empty there was no furniture.  Patrick started a nice cozy fire for us to enjoy.

 He asked me to join him, so I walked over and sat down by the fire.

 Just minutes after I joined him by the fire, Patrick got on one knee, and asked me to marry him!

I was shocked!
I didn't answer him.

I feel bad about that now.  I was just so surprised. I had a feeling it was heading that direction, I even thought he might propose to me sometime soon, but I still didn't see it coming.
I was absolutely in love with him, I just couldn't believe how fast our relationship had gone.

After a minute of two the poor guy finally said "Well..."
I knew without a doubt I wanted to spent my life with him.
I finally said "Yes!"

It was thrilling.

He slipped the engagement ring on my finger.  Seriously the best Christmas present ever!

We kissed, and hugged, and kissed, and hugged!

Patrick did say right away he wanted a year long engagement.  I agreed.

He was now my fiancée just five months after we met.

The next year was spent doing our best at keeping a long distance relationship going, seeing each other when we could. Besides our outrageous phone bills, plane tickets were another huge expense.

He flew back to New York with me after Christmas for New Years Eve.
I flew out to Florida in February and April both for long weekends.
In June, Patrick came to visit me in New York for a whole week.
In August, I spent a whole week in Florida with him.

Although the time apart was difficult at times, I really think it helped us become a really strong couple.

Finally December came again. I had recently moved back to CA, and was prepping for our wedding.

On January 2, 1999 Patrick and I were married.  It was just over 17 months after we met.

I'm will be forever grateful for Patrick coming into my life.  I know without a doubt we are suppose to walking thru this life together.

I laugh now when I think about our oldest Trevor only five years away from the age Patrick was when we met, and got engaged.  No way he'll be doing that!  Seems way too young.  But honestly, I think things happen when they need to, and for us it was at a very young age.  Who knows when our kids will meet their soul mate. I only hope it's as magical and sweet as when I met the love of my life.