Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A gift of comfort

Memories are a funny thing.  I was talking to my Mom about memories of my childhood recently.  The funny thing is, there are some things that I remember so vividly, and others that I don't remember at all.  I remember Halloween costumes that my Mom made for me.  I can almost remember the exact days when I wore them, and all the little details down to the shoes I had on, but I don't remember ever carving pumpkins with my family growing up.  I know we did that, but can't remember.  I remember several specific Christmas decorations we had, but I don't remember any of the foods we ate at Christmas time.

Recently I have been thinking about one Christmas when I got a vey special gift.

It's been 30 years ago next month.  My Grandma Pearl would often crochet gifts for everyone.  One year I remember it was hats and scarves. Christmas 1984 she gave all the grandkids a blanket that she had crocheted. I was only 8 years old when I received the blanket. I don't remember opening this gift on Christmas, but I do know that that blanket has been with me ever since.
Me Christmas 1984 with my Grandma Pearl, brother Brad, sister Kim, Grandpa Ed & brother Chris

I have always kept it on my bed.  I'd either fold it up in the morning, and put it at the end of my bed, or drape it over the end of my bed.

As I've grown, moved, married, and had kids my blanket has always been right near my bed. If you come to my house, that's where you'll always find it.  Often when I am feeling sad or tired, I ball it up near my face and just lay with it.

It has always given me a feeling of comfort. 

It's getting old now, and starting to fall apart a little. A little like my Grandma she's getting up there in age, and has lots of health problems. I'm glad now more than ever for the gift she gave me for Christmas so many years ago.

Even after she's gone, I know I'll have a special memory of her, and I'll be able to pass down this story to my own children.

A few years ago, when she still crocheted, she made a bunch of hot pads.  My step-mom, sister and I all got some from her.  They are the best!  Every time I use them, I think of her.