Sunday, March 29, 2009


So here are some pictures of what my boys have been up to
in the last few days. Makes me want to kill them SERIOUSLY...
Is spring break over yet?

Note: I obviously do not have a perfect life or perfect kids

Savannah May

Savannah was born on March 16th 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina. I was scheduled for a
c-section on the 17th. On the 16th the day before I took Griffin to a mommy & me
class while my sister who was in town to help took Trevor to preschool. After lunch we went shopping and I started having contractions. I didn't say anything to anyone. We all went home
and everyone went down for a nap...well everyone except me. I was having far to many contractions to sleep.... still did not let on to anyone how I was feeling. At dinner the contractions got to be quite painful, I remember standing just outside of the dining room when I got a major contraction, there was no hiding it anymore. I still had stuff to do, I wanted to go to Sam's Club and most important I really wanted her to be born on St. Patrick's NOT the day before. Patrick & Kim said I needed to call the Doctor and sure enough they wanted me to come to the hospital to get checked out. The contractions were coming fast and were pretty intense by this time. They checked me and said I was 4 centimeteres dilated... I need to have the c-section that night, she was on her way. So at 7:52 pm on the 16th I had my smallest baby of all. Savannah weighed
in at 7 lbs. 4 ozs. and was 19 1/2 inches long. tiny compared to the boys. I was anxious to hold her and kept sending Patrick to see what was taking so long. After 4 LONG hours and me being very cranky they finally brought her to me. It was by far the easiest c-section. I wanted to go
home the next day, but they made me stay 48 hours. I felt great. She was a dream baby, slept in her crib from day one. I was thrilled to finally have a little girl.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So today I took the kids to the zoo. It was fun. Their favorite
part was feeding the fish & ducks, and going to the park across
the street from the zoo. My favorite part was the Sea Lions &
the Polar Bears. We all enjoyed a stop at The Candy Lady in old
town for some treats.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mini Vacation

We decided to take a much needed mini family vacation. We drove down to Roswell, Nm home to all things alien & UFO. We did a tour of the UFO museum which was intresting. We had dinner at a great steakhouse called the Cattle Baron. After diner we headed to a town called Artisa to stay for the night. The kids were thrilled to go swimming in the hotel pool. We all had a lot of fun swimming.
In the morining after a good breakfast we looked at some stuff in the quanit town of Artisa before heading down to Carlsbad. At Carlsbad Caverns we decided to do the natural enterance to the cave, it is a longer hike, but well worth the effort. The kids did great. Even Savannh did great walked the whole way. We all enjoyed being down in the cave it was neat for the kids who have never been in a cave quite so big. After our cave tour was done we enjoyed some lunch, and the kids all picked out some cool hard hats with lights. We then headed back to Roswell to eat at a bbq place we had seen the day before. it did not disappoint The Snazzy Pig was delicous. With full bellies we drove home. It was a great mini vacation that we all enjoyed very much.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Last night the boys made a leprechaun trap. When they woke
up this morning they came into our room and said that a
leprechaun named Lucky had been here. Griffin said that
he had fallen in to their trap, but had climbed out.
"Lucky" left a note and lucky charms cereal and some
green milk. The boys thought it was really cool.
I made them a greenish lunch that even included
a shamrock shaped sandwich and gold coins.
I didn't get he boys pictures this morning, but
here are a few others.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Party Pictures

Princess Savannah's 4th Birthday

Savannah had her birthday party today. She is the ultimate
princess, so she needed a princess party. I was running way
behind today... my friend Tracye come over early and helped
by decorating the cake I had all the parts ready to go, but
she helped turn it into a crown cake (thanks Tracye).
Savannah had 3 of her friends over. They decorated crowns
with jewels. They also played a game of pin the crown on the
princess, Patrick painted Cinderella for the game. She had
a great time. She asked me many times do I look beautiful?
It was a fun day for her. Thanks for all the wonderful gifts.
Thanks to Grandpa John & Grandma Shelley and Grandma
Linda for brithday money, and thanks Grandpa Pat & Grandma
Debbie for the princess bike. You all are so nice!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

About Griffin

The older Griffin has gotten the more outgoing he has become.
Griffin has an energy about him. He makes you want to be around
him. He is funny, smart and very bold. He calls it like he sees it.
I guess he has my passion. He is very fun to be around. At times
though he is extremely difficult. It's that passion in him.
Some days..... he by himself exhausts me. But then he turns
right around and is so sweet and mellow. Griffin loves to eat
and now has a love for cooking. He likes to help with any kind
of cooking or baking that might be going on. He has become a
pretty good reader recently. He does really well in school and
actually excels in math. He is a great bike rider, he can ride
better than a lot of older kids. One of his tricks that he likes to do
(I hate watching) is ridding really fast then jumping off his bike
while it's still going. He's a dare devil we may have lots of
broken arms and legs in our future with Griffin & Trevor.
He has a tender heart and genuinely cares about others.
At the end of the day I always say Griffin is SO much work, but
it's so worth it. You really can't help but like him. He is a great
kid, and I'm glad I get to be his Mom.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

As Griffin grew....

The older Griffin got the more attached to me he become.
He has also changed quite a bit from those younger years.
Griffin was timid to say the least. He did not like to try new
things at all. Taking him swimming for instance, was a time
to have him grip your neck so hard and pull on your hair as
he tried to get away from the water. At the park he would
go up this tiny hill, then quickly realize what he had done
and turn around on all fours and crawl back down backwards
( all while crying). Taking him to the nursery at Church most
certainly brought tears. He was for sure a mamma's boy.
Like I said before Griffin has always been Sweet. Such a
tender little heart in that chubby little body. He played
great with his big brother. They spent many hours in our
huge backyard in Charleston playing together. Much to his
dismay by the time he was 19 months old he to become a
big brother. To young to understand what was going on
things got even harder with Griffin. He would try to carry
Savannah around, and once even pulled her off the couch.
It took him a long time to realize she was a living thing
and not a doll. Most people who saw him thought he was
adorable with his chubby cheeks, and long hair. He was for
sure an adorable toddler. I could never resist him.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Griffin Edward

Griffin was born July 28th 2003 at 8:52 in the morning in
Charleston South Carolina. I had a scheduled c-section the
second time around. I had a blood clot behind the placenta
so I was monitored closely during the pregnancy. I was
advised to have another c-section , and am glad I did.
I'm a firm believer in as long as Mom & baby are healthy
then that's all that matters. Griffin weighed in at 8 lbs. 8 oz.
and was 21 1/4 inches long. I remember right before my
c-section being upset and the nurse asking me what was
wrong. I told her I just wanted my baby, she said "only a
few more minutes and you'll meet him". Well, honestly I
was talking about Trevor. I was excited to meet Griffin,
but had no idea how I would fall in love with him instantly.
I remember them holding his little wrinkled body up over
the curtain that blocked me from seeing the actual surgery.
At that moment my heart melted. He was beautiful baby.
If had had know what I know now....... We'll having baby
number two I think is always a bit of work. Griffin was
and still is a lot of work. There was a lot of crying, sleepless
nights. Griffin liked to be held ALL the time and also wanted
to eat ALL the time. The only way to get him to sleep for the
first few months was several times a night I'd have to strap
him into his car seat and drive around. Needless to say it was
exhausting. There were good times too. Like I said before he
really liked to eat. By the time he was 4 months old he was
21 lbs. The size of an average one year old. I loved his chubby
body. He was sweet (still is) he has always been a cuddlier which
is nice. Having my second baby boy was a lot of work but well
worth the effort. I adore that little boy.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a bargain....

So am I having another baby? NO, but lots of people I know are
including some family members. Anyone who knows me knows
that I can't pass up a bargain. Huggies put out coupons last
week which I printed out, then last night they reset them so
I printed them out again. Walgreen's is running a great diaper
deal but $25.00 worth and get $10.00 register rewards. So with
my coupons I did the deal twice. I spent really a total of $18.16
and saved $38.94 which is a great deal!! Now I shall give these
away to needy newborns. Or needy family & friends with newborns.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A proud Mom moment.....

I found Griffin reading to Savannah this afternoon
the book of choice was :
Yes, that's right Everyone Poops a wonderful classic in the homes of many people with young children. I had actually forgotten we had it.

I love their facial expressions, they really are intrigued with it. It's nice these tender sibling moments.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I love bedtime!!

Clean, sleepy kids is every mother's dream right?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long Days....

So after the doughnut stealing incident I got on with my day.
I've been asking the kids to clean up the "toy" closest for a
while now. We have a big walk in closet downstairs we use as
a toy storage area and if it's clean it's actually big enough
for the kids to play in there. It took them 2 days, but they
finally finished it. It's not up to my standards, but hey
they did it. I won't complain you can at least walk in there now.
I met Patrick at Costco to do some shopping mostly I needed
bread & fresh fruit which we rip through quickly at our house.
While walking the aisles trying to ignore the screaming and
fighting that came from Griffin & Savannah (they fight like an
old married couple), I noticed Trevor was wearing an old pair
of pants not any pants mind you these were Griffin's old pants.
As he walked in front of me I saw this
Seriously... Why would he think these would be good to wear out
in public? I quickly finished the shopping and left. I did get what I
needed and I didn't kill any of the kids so I deem it a success.
Did I mention that Griffin has a double ear infection? Well he does.... and anyone who knows Griffin know that having him irritable is NOT fun!!! There has been lots of whining and crying from him. I just gave him Motrin and told him to lay down cause I just can't take him anymore!! These kids man they are a LOT of work. I know people say that I will miss these days... and I'll want them back. You've gotta be kidding me.... I'll be jumping for joy! My days are LONG and busy and I never finish everything that I should. This to shall pass... maybe not fast enough though!! They look innocent enough

I should add that it's only 2:00pm and I'm beat!!!!

Are you serious???

So this morning when Patrick came home he found everyone but Savannah still sleeping. With her sweatshirt on, ready for adventure, he took her with him to buy doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast. She helped him set the table and pour the milk. By this time the boys were up, and the children were instructed to only have one doughnut until mommy and daddy had a chance to get some. Five minutes later, we came downstairs to find our baked goods destroyed, milk cups empty, and children fat. Like sending wolves amongst the sheep.