Sunday, March 29, 2009

Savannah May

Savannah was born on March 16th 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina. I was scheduled for a
c-section on the 17th. On the 16th the day before I took Griffin to a mommy & me
class while my sister who was in town to help took Trevor to preschool. After lunch we went shopping and I started having contractions. I didn't say anything to anyone. We all went home
and everyone went down for a nap...well everyone except me. I was having far to many contractions to sleep.... still did not let on to anyone how I was feeling. At dinner the contractions got to be quite painful, I remember standing just outside of the dining room when I got a major contraction, there was no hiding it anymore. I still had stuff to do, I wanted to go to Sam's Club and most important I really wanted her to be born on St. Patrick's NOT the day before. Patrick & Kim said I needed to call the Doctor and sure enough they wanted me to come to the hospital to get checked out. The contractions were coming fast and were pretty intense by this time. They checked me and said I was 4 centimeteres dilated... I need to have the c-section that night, she was on her way. So at 7:52 pm on the 16th I had my smallest baby of all. Savannah weighed
in at 7 lbs. 4 ozs. and was 19 1/2 inches long. tiny compared to the boys. I was anxious to hold her and kept sending Patrick to see what was taking so long. After 4 LONG hours and me being very cranky they finally brought her to me. It was by far the easiest c-section. I wanted to go
home the next day, but they made me stay 48 hours. I felt great. She was a dream baby, slept in her crib from day one. I was thrilled to finally have a little girl.