Monday, March 9, 2009

Griffin Edward

Griffin was born July 28th 2003 at 8:52 in the morning in
Charleston South Carolina. I had a scheduled c-section the
second time around. I had a blood clot behind the placenta
so I was monitored closely during the pregnancy. I was
advised to have another c-section , and am glad I did.
I'm a firm believer in as long as Mom & baby are healthy
then that's all that matters. Griffin weighed in at 8 lbs. 8 oz.
and was 21 1/4 inches long. I remember right before my
c-section being upset and the nurse asking me what was
wrong. I told her I just wanted my baby, she said "only a
few more minutes and you'll meet him". Well, honestly I
was talking about Trevor. I was excited to meet Griffin,
but had no idea how I would fall in love with him instantly.
I remember them holding his little wrinkled body up over
the curtain that blocked me from seeing the actual surgery.
At that moment my heart melted. He was beautiful baby.
If had had know what I know now....... We'll having baby
number two I think is always a bit of work. Griffin was
and still is a lot of work. There was a lot of crying, sleepless
nights. Griffin liked to be held ALL the time and also wanted
to eat ALL the time. The only way to get him to sleep for the
first few months was several times a night I'd have to strap
him into his car seat and drive around. Needless to say it was
exhausting. There were good times too. Like I said before he
really liked to eat. By the time he was 4 months old he was
21 lbs. The size of an average one year old. I loved his chubby
body. He was sweet (still is) he has always been a cuddlier which
is nice. Having my second baby boy was a lot of work but well
worth the effort. I adore that little boy.