Monday, June 30, 2014

Train to Grand Canyon & Sick Boy -Vacation Day 39

We woke up early to catch the train to the Grand Canyon.  As soon as Griffin woke up he was complaining about his stomach hurting.   We had him eat a vey lite breakfast anyways, and then gave him some tummy meds.  Just as we were pulling into the driveway to park for the train Griffin threw up all over.  We pulled over, got him out, and he continued to throw up.  Patrick parked and went to buy some cleaning supplies (luckily there was a dollar general right next to the parking lot).  The kids and I went to pick up our tickets.  Patrick did an amazing cleaning job, and you couldn't even tell there had just been a huge mess.

After that our whole group headed over to the Wild west show they do before you get on the train. It was cute, but has not changed at all since we did the train 12 yrs. before. All the same jokes.

We enjoyed the show, then boarded the train.  My sister & her family were a few rows behind us.  Patrick had Griffin sit next to him to keep an eye on him.  Soon we were off.  The conductor said he had some motion sickness bags, so I went up and grabbed a few.  It's a good thing too because poor Griffin filled all of them up.  He was also having some really bad stomach cramps. We tried to enjoy the ride despite Griffin being sick. There were some entertainers singing on the way up, it was fun. There was also a photographer.  She took a nice family picture of us.

When we arrived, we went to lunch first to avoid the crowds.  The food at the lodge was just alright.  The lodge was right near the canyon edge so after we ate we went out to check out the views.

This squirrel picture makes me laugh.  I saw the sign and thought the squirrel was a stuffed one (like an example of what to avoid) I got really close, and snapped this picture before I ever realized it was a real live squirrel. Pretty funny.

It was a nice time, but we didn't do much at all.  Griffin was really feeling terrible.  We spent most of our time looking for semi air conditioning and a place for him to rest. The Grand Canyon is so beautiful,  we'll have to bring the kids back one day.
As we were getting ready to board the train back My sister told them we had a sick kid, so they upgraded Griffin's ticket plus one adult to air conditioned train car.  Which was good because right before we got on the train he threw up again. The heat seemed to be making it even worse.
Luckily he slept for awhile.  He was feeling a bit better and was begging for something to drink, so they actually brought him a ginger al.  He also ate maybe one saltine cracker.  The entertainment for the ride back was fun.  Cowboys boarded the train, and robbed us! When they saw Griffin they said "That boy looks like he could use some coffee." The train  car conductor in our car on the way back was very funny.  He even played several games with everyone. Even with him  feeling crappy we  still managed to have a good time.

Right before we got back Griffin threw up again.  Not ready for anything in his tummy.  When we got back we all went out to dinner in Williams.  It was kinda stuffy in the restaurant, so Griffin felt better laying on a bench outside of the restaurant.  The window where we were was right by the bench so we could keep an eye on him.  We brought him out a cup of ice and he munched on that.
Wish I had taken a picture of him on the bench.  He was definitely drawing some funny looks from people passing by.  Looked like someone left their poor suffering kid on a bench alone. 
It was a nice really visit with my sister and her family We enjoyed being able to hang out with them.  Just wish Griffin had felt better.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Driving to Flagstaff - Vacation Day 38

We met up  with my sister and her family at this yummy pizza place in Flagstaff.
Everything was so, so yummy.  We really enjoyed it!

 They brought the kids birthday gifts.  Savannah got a purse, and the boys each got a book.  They also gave us a family gift which was really nice.  It was a Lord of The Rings Board game.  Thank you guys!!

Dessert was next.  They make delicious gelato in all sorts of yummy flavors.  It was so good.  We all shared ours with each other.  

After that it was time to say Goodnight.  Ridding the train to the Grand Canyon in the morning.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

San Diego Zoo - Vacation Day 37

Today we went to the world famous San Diego Zoo.  Last time we were there was when Trevor was a baby.  We were excited to check it out.  Man, it was busy.  Felt a little like Disneyland.

We waited in line to see the Panda's for about 30 minutes.  It was worth it.  They were right out front playing and eating.  Can't see a Panda at just any Zoo. I think the kids enjoyed seeing them.

Later in the day we took the bus tour of the Zoo.  Our tour guy is know as "Zoo Man" he was very funny, and made all sorts of animal sounds.  Gave us lots of good info.  It was also a nice break from all that walking.

Next up was the reptiles.  Strange enough the kids seemed to enjoy this the most.

We decided it was time to ride the Skyfari.  Dad went with Savannah & Trevor & I rode with Griffin.  The views were amazing! The San Diego Zoo is huge!  Griffin was pretty nervous ridding it.  He kept telling me to stop moving. I was trying to take pictures.  I do think he liked it though.

After that it was random animals that we still had not seen.

We had a really great day.  It is a pretty pricey Zoo, but you see a ton of animals. Included in the ticket price is a  bus tour and Skyfari ride that takes you across the park..  They do have a bunch of different shows as well.