Saturday, June 21, 2014

Birthday Boy - Vacation Day 30

For Patrick's 35th birthday we decided to check out the Getty Museum.  We had never been, so we thought we'd give it a try.  Before we headed over there I wanted him to have some lunch and birthday ice cream.  I took him to a place I remembered as a kid called Farrell's it was pretty tasty. 

We were so stinkin full when we left.  Good thing we were going to be walking around the museum.
For the Getty you park, and then ride a tram to the top of the mountain where the museum is.  It was a really beautiful setting.

After we toured a large portion of the museum we decided to go outside to check out the gardens.  They were beautiful!

By this time we realized we need to leave in order to beat the freeway traffic.  We were on our way to Patrick's aunt Roxanne's house to meet up for dinner.
I swear Griffin is always making weird faces when I take pictures.  We got on the tram and said goodbye to the Getty.  We enjoyed our visit.

We went to dinner at a yummy Mexican restaurant.  They even sang Happy Birthday to Patrick!
After dinner we drove around and found the house that Patrick grew up in.  The house next door was for sale, so he and his Aunt went and asked for a tour.  The lady was very nice.  Only 559,000

Back at Aunt Roxanne's she gave us some family heirlooms and we started packing up the car for the millionth time (we were getting sick of it).  The boys and Aunt Roxanne shot arrows in the front yard while we were loading up.  Not the smartest idea, but we cut the kids a little slack at this point in the trip we were getting pretty tired.
I think Patrick had a nice birthday.  Just being in CA and seeing family & friends made him happy.