Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rosarita & Puerto Nuervo Mexico - Vacation Day 34

I think this was our favorite day in Mexico.

We drove back to the coast.  This time to  Rosarita. 
We went to the beach to play as soon as we arrived.


It didn't take the kids long to start finding seashells.  Griffin actually found this sand dollar Savannah is holding.

I decided to get a henna tattoo, and Savannah with some prodding decided to get her hair braided.


Griffin making a sad face because his sandcastle washed out to sea.

After we had enough sun, we got back in the car and drove to Puerto Nuervo for lunch.
We went to a restaurant that Patrick went to as a kid.
The food here was so, so good! 
 A mariachi band came upstairs to where we were eating and Grandma Nelly negotiated a deal where they would perform 20 songs for us.  It was fun!  Patrick's  family enjoyed singing along.  Patrick joined in when he knew a song. 

Eventually Patrick got his Grandma Nelly up to dance.  Man, that lady has got some moves!

Next up Patrick danced with his Mom.  And after some convincing, Savannah decided to dance with Uncle Renee. It's not often that you get to meet and dance with your Great, Great Uncle that lives in another country!


Seriously so fun!

Once everyone was done singing, dancing, and eating we went out to check out the view from the rooftop.  After that it was time to hit the road.

We drove back to Grandma's house, packed up then got in line to cross back over the border.
It was a pretty long wait.  I think we waited 1 hour 45 minutes.

Funny story.  As we were waiting of course people are trying to sell us stuff.  Patrick spotted a jacket he liked.  We waved the guy over to our car.  He wanted 45 dollars we said "No way! We went back and forth until he finally gave up on us.  Later on another guy came along with the same jacket.  We went back and forth & I wouldn't back down.  24 dollars was all the cash I had.  He'd get mad, yell something like "forget you guys", then walk away.  He'd come back like 1-2 minutes later.  He did this several times.  Finally Patrick found change and we now had 26 dollars.  He came back we told him 26 dollars, he said "And your sunglasses?" Patrick said "No, just 26 dollars!"  He said fine, and basically threw the jacket at Patrick, then had the nerve to ask for the sunglasses again.  He huffed off liked we had totally ripped him off.  Patrick got a pretty sweet jacket.

We really had a fantastic time in Mexico!  We are so glad that we went down there as a family.  I thought it was important that the kids see what Patrick did when he was a kid.  Learn a little bit of the culture from his side of the family. I think they had a blast.