Saturday, June 7, 2014

Camping in Big Sur Sat. - Vacation Days 16

The pictures from camping will all look similar.  Basically we did the same thing everyday.
Wake up.
Start a fire.
Have breakfast.
Go for a hike in the forest part of the campground.
Have lunch.
Go for a drive up or down the coast.
Relax at the campsite.
Go to the beach.
Start a fire, have dinner.
Relax at the campsite.
Go to bed.

It was super relaxing and fun!

The old limekiln's were pretty cool to check out. It would have been awesome to these working in the late 1800's

In the ocean not far from us was a very curious Sea Otter.  He stayed and watched the kids the entire time we were there playing.


The kids called this rock the "safe rock"  they'd jump up on it and hide behind it to avoid getting wet.  Here Savannah is doing a mermaid pose on the safe rock.